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All About Me

I am just your average reader who grew up lost in the worlds between the covers of too many books to count. Some of my closest friends and earliest loves have always been fictional, and I suppose it was only a matter of time before characters of my own begged to have their stories told.

Some of the first books to imprint on my brain and my soul were His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman and The Last Vampire by Christopher Pike, so it probably makes sense that I have a soft spot for books with magic, star-crossed lovers, familiars and best friends, impossible romances, and even more impossible odds. And vampires. Obviously. My first foray into adult romance was by way of Tami Hoag's romantic suspense books ... so again, not exactly fluffy and sweet. To this day, I love a good enemies or rivals to lovers, especially if there's a little morality chain thrown in for spice.

I started writing my romantic fantasy series that will hopefully see the light of day without burning to ashes (eventually) in 2018 and have developed a few other series since that I hope to share with all of you very soon. My first erotic romance series is set to debut in March 2022 under the name Cat Giraldo.

In the meanwhile, I hope my recommendations can convince you to read all my favorite books ... because I already have too many book boyfriends, girlfriends, and partners to count.



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