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#amwriting - Current Projects August 2020

Welcome back, witchlings. Only 3 posts left before we're into September (and the last 4 months of 2020!) I am so happy to have this site up and running, and I am really looking forward to some of the upcoming content I am starting to brainstorm.

Nanowrimo is what got me started writing my current WIP, even though I started too late to actually participate in 2018. Actually, if I'm really being honest, seeing "Preptober" videos in the booktube community is what initially caught my attention. So, this year, I am so excited to start putting together Preptober content of my own. And once November comes around, I'm going to try to have as much help and support for you all in here as possible, since I'm sure we're all feeling a little bit unsure how a virtual / socially distance nano is going to go.

September is Latinx Heritage Month, so a lot of my TBR and blog posts will be based around the Latinx-a-thon from September 15-24. I encourage you all to follow @latinxathon and its hosts on Twitter!

But, let's not get too far ahead of ourselves. Today's post is all about the status of my current projects and my September writing goals:

I am so excited for all of these projects and I can't wait to share them with you. Leave a comment and let me know what projects you are working on or planning. What are some of your September goals?

Keep chasing your dreams,

<3 Cat

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