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October Updates!


Hello and happy spooky season, my bookish friends! I've been pretty MIA this year because things have been a bit hectic, so I figured it's time for a little catch-up as we head into the final months of the year.

I've had a few book releases this year, which is definitely stressful! Writing the books is one thing, but going through all of the editing, covers, marketing, and admin tasks (not to mention actually PUTTING THEM OUT IN THE WORLD) is a whole other ballgame.

Speaking of ballgames ... My latest release, WILD PITCH is officially available in ebook (including Kindle Unlimited) and paperback. It's a multiracial baseball romance between an older, grumpy, one-track-mind Filipino catcher and the young, confidence-shaken, Latina pitcher who gets traded to his team as a nervous rookie. There's an age-gap, some gentle femdom, and a little bit of slow-burn, perfect for people who are still upset that the show Pitch got cancelled (on a cliff-hanger, no less!).

The field won't be the only place he kneels for her.

I also recently changed day jobs. Between interviews, finishing stuff up at my previous employment, the nerves of starting something new as an introvert with anxiety, and settling into this new job (which I'm actually really excited about, and definitely grateful for), I have not been doing as much writing or reading as I'd like. With nanowrimo hardly more than a week away, I'd usually be deep into preptober. After all, outlining is my favorite part of writing!

But productivity isn't a measure of our worth, and rest is important ... right? It can be so easy to tell the people we care about that, and so hard to take the advice to heart for ourselves. So, if you're struggling right now and needed to hear that, then I hope you are taking the rest you deserve, and if you're unable to because of life circumstances, then I hope things get easier soon.

Instead of doing the kind of intense 'Octoberotica' and preptober plans I had for myself, I've been replaying Ori on Switch, doing a lot of walking and dance workout videos, crocheting a(nother) blanket, and watching Hotel del Luna. I'm kind of new to watching KDramas, but Shoshana Rain introduced me to this one, and it is the perfect show for spooky season. Spooky vibes without being too creepy, gorgeous aesthetics that aren't too dark (lighting not mood) to fully appreciate, a fun plotline, and the best main characters.

I have a ton of reviews to catch up on, and I can only promise to try. I'll be posting here, on Instagram, and doing my best to get some finished over on Goodreads as well. As far as the clock app is concerned ... it takes a lot more effort for me to put videos together, so hopefully once I'm fully settled into this new job, I'll have a little bit more mental/emotional energy to invest in putting myself on video like that. And as far as using Facebook as an author ... if you want to interact with me as a reader or fellow author, Discord or Instagram are really the way to go! My Discord server is very quiet, but if you pop in there, I'll never miss the message notifications. The same cannot be said on other social media lol.

As far as nanowrimo goes, I'm honestly not sure what I'm working on this year. I have another of WIPs in the fire, from a near-future, dystopian monster romance to a Christmas (ish) why choose, plus my WIPs from the last two nanos to finish/revise. I will likely have one more short story release this year, as well as my short story CHECKMATE that's going to be available in BEST WOMEN'S EROTICA VOLUME 8, coming out Dec 6.

I'd love to hear from you! What sort of content would you like to see more of? What have you been reading lately?

Stay spooky,




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