Anyone else doing Nanowrimo this year?

This will be my 3rd year doing it, and I am pretty excited. But at the same time, this will be the least prepared I have ever been going into it. I am a plotter. I love outlines, and I love when they look pretty. I use washi tape, stickers, colored pens ... the whole shebang.
But I also struggle to focus on one project at a time because (a) squirrel brain has too many ideas, and (b) there aren't enough hours in the day, and I definitely don't write enough to keep up with the idea farm.
The first two years of Nano, I spent all of October doing zero writing and only plotting out the new WIP. I even had an outline schedule, which I shared on the blog last October. I figured out all of the (many, many, why so many??) characters of book 1 in my paranormal reverse harem series, made aesthetic boards, new exactly what the assorted settings looked like down to the color of the main character's sheets and the menu at her restaurant.
This year, though? I am trying desperately to finish the first draft of my sports romance before November 1. I am trying to keep up with Kinktober posts (see my Wattpad account if you want 18+ spicy, spooky monster smut!).
I know that I am working on the next book in the erotic romance series set to debut 3.15.2022. I know the character's names and a rough plot, BUT THAT IS ALL I HAVE, and honestly a part of me is kind of freaking out.
Are you a plotter or a pantser? If you're doing nano this year, do you feel prepared? Or do you feel like this year has gone by too fast, and you're honestly not sure how it's November already? (Because honestly, same.)
Let me know what's going on with your writing!
Xoxo Cat